
Do you know about 5G?

What is 5G ?

Today we have to tell you about 5G in this, what is 5G. In this, much important information has been given about 5G NETWORK. To know in detail about fiveg, read the full text below. Let us know further. So we can tell that at this time we are related to 4g technology, but after this, now we are going to step into 5G technology in a few days. In 4G, we will get many times more speed in Internet speed than 4G. 

Before this, our Internet Generation was 1G to 2G. After that came 2G to 3G. After that again 3G to 4G came, which is currently going on. But now we are about to step into 5G technology after traveling 4g to fast the entire internetwork. Now, we will try to learn in detail about 5G.
what is 5g?,. what is 5g network?, 5g internet, 5g network speed details
what is 5g?,. what is 5g network?, 5g internet, 5g network speed details

5G Technology Work, 5G News In India Hindi

This technology is mainly Network Cell. It is a divide into the sector. It sends data through Radio Waves. Many more new technologies will be used in this. This High-Frequency Band will work from 3.5Ghz to 26ghz or even more. As you know, large high-power cell towers are needed to radiate the signals in 4g. At the same time, talking about 5G, it will use many small cell stations to transmit wireless signals. They can also be applied to small spaces such as light poles or buildings.

Network Generation

5G Network News In India Hindi
Over time, his Generation is also associated with the changing color of the phone. Whose generation has decided to travel from 1g to 4g? And now 5G will also be seen very soon. In such a situation, it becomes very interesting to know about 5G, what is 5G? In addition to this, what is the technology used in it? 

How 5G can bring a different and grand change in the mobile industry. First of all, we will know about the generation of 1g to 4g from the bed. Then after that, you will learn about 5G. If we talk about the First Generation, it came in 1980, then the Second Generation which came in 1990, then after the third Generation then it came in 2000, then the Four Generation which came only in 2010 which is still going on . And now it is the turn of Fifth Generation i.e. 5G. Which is coming very soon. The release of which will give a big boost to our Smart Technology. Like Smart City, things connecting with Smart Internet will become very easy. Because in terms of speed, we will get speed many times faster than 4G.
In this, if we talk about the Spectrum Band of 5G Network, then it runs from 3400 mhz to 3500 mhz, 3600 mhz bands. Which plays an important role in 5G Spectrum. Due to their length ranging from 1 - 15 Mm, it is called Millimeter-Wave. Millimeter-wave works at 30 to 300 ghz. Which is easily used in satellite systems and radar systems.

5G Technology Explained In Hindi

Standalone 5g

The name itself suggests that it does not relive on previous Infrastructures. Standalone 5G works on its Cloud Native network core. In many other countries, the spectrum has been adopted. And it's working there.

Nan-Standalone 5G

This is the basic 5G network band. Initially, all network service providers provide the network to the users based on this band. And using the available infrastructure for 4g light, 5G is deployed. Telecom companies use this spectrum for testing the network.

Dynamic Network Sharing

It is used to upgrade networks from 4g to 5g. This is possible only with the Technology Nsa 5G Spectrum. Because 5G Network uses two Radio Frequency simultaneously. And the speed of data becomes much faster. In such a situation, any device can access the network even faster than 4g lite.
Sub-6 ghz maintains 5G Network Connectivity by Penetrating Building Objects like Solid Object etc. In such a situation, we get Network Connectivity even inside the building or mall.

Sub-6 ghz 5G

This is known as 5G Spectrum Frequency. In this, the frequency of the network is less than 6ghz. And it is used for Low Band Telecommunications. This network spectrum is used in China and many other countries.

Mm Wave 5G

This is called High Band 5G Network Frequency. Frequency of more than 24ghz is used in this. More bandwidth is available in it. If we talk about the speed of data, then it is 1gb per second. Many small and lower range cell phone towers are used to deploy it. So that Coverage can be completed.


Its full form is Long-Term Evolution. It is a 4g Wireless Communications Standard developed by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project. Which was developed to provide mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, notebooks and wireless hotspots 10 times faster than 3G?


Its full form is Voice Over Long Term Evolution. It is a digital packet voice service. Which is distributed over the Internet Protocol-Ip through the LTE access network using IMS technology.

5G Speed

In this, we can get a very high speed. Which can be between 1gbps Se 10gbps. Only after its right speed is launched will you know what its speed will be. It is clear that the speed of 5G will be many times faster than 4g.
If you compare the new 5G Technology with Radio Technologies, then you can see the following Advancement in it. Like in this we can get Practically Super Speed ​​which is 1gbps to 10 Gbps. Latency will be 1 Millisecond. With this, there is a 1,000x Bandwidth Per Unit Area. It can be easily connected from 10 to 100 devices. It offers Worldwide Coverage. Apart from this, it has a hand in Energy Reduction of about 90%. With this, the whole world becomes a Wi-Fi Zone.

5G Advantage

All networks can be brought under one platform.
It can support more than 60,000 Connections.
It is quite effective and efficient, Download Upload Speed ​​is very good.
The subscriber won't have trouble taking Quick Action.
With the old technology, it can be managed easily, you can start another service parallel to one service.
The crime rate may also fall as the investigation will be very quick and easy as the government organization will be able to take action immediately.
Access to Space and Galaxies will be easy when it can happen then even the missing person can be easily searched.
High Resolution and Bi-Directional Large Bandwidth Shaping
You can control your computer from one place to another place through handsets.
The education system will be very easy and any student can study from any part of the place.
Medical treatment is also expected to be easy as the remote operation is already on success at the moment.
With its arrival, 5G will make many other tasks much easier.

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