
What Is Blog? How To Do Blogging?

What is blog ?

What is blogging?, blogging business.
If you have got this strength in your mind, what is a blog? Or what is blogging? How is it done? What are the benefits of blogging? What is important to know for blogging? Today we are going to answer all these questions through this post. As you know, blog is an online platform. Where you can express your thoughts by writing your information online. So that all your people can get this information through online. The work done by blogger and blogger is called blogging.

Internet is becoming such an online world in the coming days. Where millions of people visit to get information online. Some people do blogging to share their passion. And some people do blogging to earn money. Yes, as you know, money is also earned from blogging. You can give information to people by writing whatever you want on the blog website. Such as jokes, story, poetry, image, status, or information related to anything, can be given in writing. 
The information given by you reaches the people when they search on google according to their needs. After that, he comes to many websites related to information. After that, they visit that site. And we get the same information that the publisher has published on their blog / website.

What is blogging, what is blog webite, blogging website, blogging plateform, blog

Blogging journey

  • Year 1994: - the world's first blog was created by a student of justin hall jam. The blog whose name was links.net. On this blog, he used to write things related to personal life in the form of a diary.
  • Year 1997: - the term weblog was first used by the editor of a blog called robot wisdom.
  • Year 1998: - bruce ableson created an open diary blog as user diary. A first comment system was also added to it along with a privacy setting.
  • Year 1999: - The word of blog word was peter merholz shortened to weblog word. And this year, the first blog platform blogger, pyra labs, created on which people could write without coding.
  • Year 2003: - in this year, google bought blogger and adsence. And in the same year, matt mullenweg launched wordpress.
  • Year 2007: - when the world's fastest growing social platform tumblr was launched, the concept of microblogging came. In addition to publishing posts from email or sms, people could share text as well as video, image, gifs, etc. In 2013, yahoo bought it.
  • From the year 2007 till now: - today the scope of blogging has increased considerably. Due to which it has become a part of the business due to its use as a sirey. Now the blog has been posted on social sites like twitter. More and more people are reached by sharing on linkedin, facebook, whatsapp.

Blog post, what is blog posting?

Before blogging, it has to be sure that you can do blogging properly or on which topic. Blogging should be done in the same field in which you have good knowledge. And you should make a blog related to that. Also, search for keywords related to the same and write an article on it.
After making a blog, any topic on which article is to be written. On that, it arises that how big should the article be so that it can rank. So i would like to tell that the article should be as big as possible. So that the post can rank as well as the article must be unique and not lenient the article is about 1000 words or more and is better. After that, posting on your blog is called a blog post. We will learn more about it in further details.

How to do blogging?, How to do start blogging?

Now some people have the power to know how to do blogging. Is it very difficult or can it be done in easy. So know that blogging is not normal, it is not difficult. Hard work has to be done which depends on you. Before blogging, it is important to know some things which we have to tell next.
Do blogging in the same field on which you have good knowledge.
In the language you want, you can write your blog in any one language.
You will not have to sit empty after creating a blog. Meaning that after creating a blog, you will have to keep posting after three to four consecutive days.
After creating a blog, you will have to work a little more hard. Also, it is better to keep a post on two to three days. Here the day is not maintained because the post must be unique. And should be regular. If you post on 5 days, then you must post within 5 days. It is not that any post on 1 to 2 days or any 10 or 15 days. This should not happen.
Whenever writing a blog, keep in mind that never copy paste someone else's blog. Google will understand your trickery i.e. Copy paste post very easily. And your blog will never rank due to which people will not reach.
Before blogging, make sure that the post you are writing. Will it benefit anyone who comes to read it, will it be able to rank the post on the topic?
You must use the image in your blog post. This image takes the form of a thumbnail. Rank also posts from the image. If you have a video, you can also add it to your post.
To rank your blog in google, it is very important to have knowledge of on-page seo and off-page seo before blogging.
It takes at least six months or more for any blog or website to rank well. For this, one has to be patient while blogging.

Where to make your blog, blogging platform

What is blogging website ?, what is blogging platform?
Now you must have a strong idea on where to make your blog. Publicize the articles of your blog on which platform, and which platform is the best for blogging. Because for blogging, some platforms are free and some are paid. Paid means that hosting and domain names have to be purchased. Which is given monthly or early renewals. On which platform you can do your blogging, we will tell you in detail below.
  • Blogger.com:- On blogger.com you can start your blog in free. You can easily create a blog for free in a few minutes on blogger.com, the most famous worldwide for blogging.
  • Wordpress.com:- Wordpress.com, this is a huge platform for blogging, where you spend money to build your blog. Blog is not made for free on this. To create a blog on wordpress.com you have to pay the hosting charge and domain charge. Which has to be renewed monthly or yearly. Wordpress.com is a platform where big business or e-commerce websites are made on this platform. Many plugins can be installed on it, which makes it very easy to do your blogging. Apart from this, it has many features. Wordpress.com is considered to be a better platform for blogging or any website.
  • Tumblr.com:- Tumblr.com is also a free platform for blogging, where you can blog by creating your blog for free.
  • Weebly.com:- Blogging can also be done on weebly.com. Here, you can make a blog for free. Due to the convenience of drag and drop, you can make your blog or website beautiful.
  • Medium.com:- You can also create your blog for free on medium.com. And you can start your blogging.

Benefits of creating a blog, blogging benefit

We are going to tell you about the purpose of making a blog. See below few points about its benefits.
Whenever you want, you can start your online business through a blog.
If your business is already there, then through blogging, you can get more and more customers by giving online information about it.
Nowadays, due to the fact that almost all people are connected to the internet, through the blog, their views can reach millions of people.
You can write a blog post by starting your blogging in the same language in which you have it.
Along with earning money from blogging, writing skills also improve.
You can be established as an expert in the field in which you have good knowledge.
In this field you can create an online network.
You can give your knowledge to millions of people in the world through online blogs.

How to earn money from the blog

Earn money from a blog, blogging earning
Before blogging, it is successful how to earn money from a blog. So further, we are going to tell you how to earn money from blogs. Today almost everyone is connected with the internet and in such a way you can also make a good income through the blog, that too through online.
If people like your blog. Visitors are coming in large numbers on your blog, then you can make a good income.
Money is earned through advertisements on any blog. Actually, we get money in exchange of showing ads of google adsense on our blog, whenever a visitor comes to the blog and clicks on that advertisement, then according to that click we earn money. Which google pays.
This is the reason that the more visitors to your blog, the more income you are likely to get. Some old bloggers do a lot of income by blogging full time.
If you are interested in writing on any topic. Also, if you want to make your income through this, then you can start blogging and make it your carrier.
In this post related to blogging, you must have known what blogs are. How is blogging done. What are the benefits of blogging? Hopefully, you will like this information and will be beneficial for you.

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