
What is Domain Name?,Best Domain, Sub-Domain

What is Domain Name?

Whenever we make a blog or website, it comes out that what is the domain name (what is the domain name in Hindi). What should the domain name be like? What is the top-level domain, subdomain? What is the attachment of the domain name in any blog or website? We are going to give answers to all these questions.

Any website or blog has a domain name. And it shows the identity of the blog or website. To visit any website, there is an identification of that website by the domain name. Such as Google.Com, Facebook.Com, Youtube.Com. Similarly, other blogs/websites are also identified by the domain name.

The website's domain name is anything but every website or blog has its own IP address. And through this address, we reach that website. If the format of this IP address is seen as an example, then something like this is (any digit can be here).

It is difficult to remember many websites like this. The domain name was created to overcome this problem. The domain name is associated with the IP address. Due to which, if you want to visit any website, then you can visit only by typing the name of that website without remembering or typing the IP address.

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what is domain, domain registration, Domain authority, top level domain, domain name

How Domain Names Work

All the websites are connected to some IP addresses through the internet. All websites are hosted by a server. That is, a website or blog operates online, stored in the memory of a server. Which is associated with an IP address? When you type a site to visit in the browser, it shows the data from the server through the IP address of that domain.

The domain name of any blog/website can also be with cable text or text and number combination. Apart from this, the domain name can be with any extension. Such as .com, .net, .org etc. Keep in mind that there cannot be the same extension with any same domain. That is, with an abcdxyz domain .com is already created, then you can create a website with .net, .org, or any other extension in the same domain. Not with beans .com. If creating from .com, the domain name must be kept separate.

The invention of Domain Name

The domain name was coined by "Paul Mockapetris" in 1983. Any domain name (blog/website) is associated with an IP address ie Domain Name Server (DNS). This is address is in a mathematical format. Which makes live excess connected to a server.

Types of Domain Name. Best Domain

There are many types of domain names. Which is important to know before choosing any domain. Because the right choice of the domain name is also better for ranking. We have to tell you about it further.

Top-Level Domains

Top-Level Domain Name which is considered very good in terms of ranking and SEO in search engines. The top-level domain is considered according to its extension. Which is written after the dot. .com is a top-level domain in google.com. Similarly, any search engine gives more priority to the top-level domain extension due to which it is considered good according to the ranking. An example of this is given below.

Top Level Domain Name List: -
.Com (Commercial)
.Net (Network)
.Org (Organization)
.Gov (Government)
.Edu (Educational)
.Biz (Business)
.Info (Information)
.Mobi (Mobile Phone Site)
.Int (International Organizations Site) Etc.

Country Wise Top Level Domains

There is a Country Wise Top Level Domain for all countries. If there is a blog/website especially keeping in mind the country area then this type of domain is considered good. So that maximum traffic is received from that country. In this, the domain extension of all the countries is different, which we have to say below as some example.

Country Wise Top Level Domain Name List: -
.In (India)
.Gb (Great Britain)
.Au (Australia)
.Us (United States America)
.Uk (United Kingdom)
.Br (Brazil)
.Jp (Japan)
.Nz (New Zealand) Etc...

What is Subdomain Name?

What is Subdomain? Subdomain Finder, Subdomain Example
The subdomain is created by its main domain name. It is also called the third-level domain. After purchasing the top-level domain, you can create subdomains for free from the same. Like, suppose if your website is abcxyz.com, then you can create many websites/blogs from this. In which this website is included. Such as hindi.abcxyz.com or english.abcxyz.com. Similarly, you can create many blogs/websites from subdomains.

Top And Famous Domain Name Provider Website List

Now it is clear that a domain is needed to create a blog/website. Where to buy it from So for this, you should purchase a unique domain name from a good Domain Name Service Provider so that anytime there is any problem, it can serve immediately. Below is a list of some top domain providers for you. From where you can buy.

Best Domain Name Search Website
Domainindia.Org Etc.

There are many more websites online providing similar domains, from where you can easily buy the available Domain Name. All domain providers have different domain charges. It depends on the service who gives a better service in any problem with 24 × 7. After that, the charge also varies on the type of extension of the domain. Such as.Com, .Net, .Org etc. Well, generally about 100 to 1000 rupees. Will merge in. Renewal has to be done every year. Which costs around 600 to 1200 rupees. Can occur.

How and What kind to choose a domain name, Domain Name Choose

  • First of all search the domain name of your choice on the above mentioned Domain Name Provider website.
  • Always choose a domain name that is easy to remember and unique. So choose Short Domain Name.
  • Always register your domain name with a better Domain Name service provider.
  • If the domain name and extension you choose, if someone has already registered that domain name and extension, then you will not get it. His extension has to be changed.
  •  Always try to get a top-level domain extension with any domain.
  • There should not be any other domain name. Also, the domain name should be unique, which you can easily brand.
  • Some people use the special character, Hyphen or Numbers in the domain name. Domains are not considered good by ranking. Always avoid it.

We hope that you will have got something to learn from this information. If it seems that this information is useful for others, then it must be shared.

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