
What is subdomain?

What is subdomain?

Domain Meaning, Domain Means,
If you have any blog or website. So you need to know what is a subdomain. Because it is very important to know to make a blog or website. Next, we have to tell about what is Subdomain, what are its benefits.

If you do not know about the domain, then for this you first need to know the domain name. The system from which the domain is run is called the Domain Name System (DNS). A domain is the name of any blog or website but what should a domain name be, what is a domain extension. Top-level domain extension type, to know more about all these in our post "What is the domain (name)". Can read.

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Now everybody knows deeply about the domain. The purpose of creating a subdomain is that if several websites create different websites to provide different services, then separate domains have to be taken for that. But if you have a domain already, then do not buy separately and you can create a blog or website from the same by creating a subdomain from your main domain. To understand this in detail, I would like to give an example. Google is a website but it has many different services. For which Google has created a website from Sub Domain by not creating a separate website for everyone.

You must have noticed that when new bloggers create their own blog on Blogspot.Com. But do you know that the blog you make for free on Google's Blogspot.Com? Blogspot.Com is attached to the name of that blog. It is clear that the blog you create on Blogspot.com is made up of all domains. That is, Subdomain is given to you by Google on Blogspot.Com.

For example, we have to tell about Google that one of the main domains of Google is www.google.com. Many of Google's sites are running on Google's Subdomain. Below we are going to tell the website made of Google's all domains.

Examples Of Subdomains
Images.Google.Com:- This website is made from subdomains for images. Its main domain name is Google.Com.
Mail.Google.Com: - This website has been created for email service from all domains.
News.Google.Com: - This website is created from all domains for news.
Docs.Google.Com: - This is a website created from all domains for any work related to online documents.
Translate.Google.Com:- This is a sub-domain website for translating online in many languages.

Apart from this, many other websites have been created from Google's Subdomain. Now you must have understood what a Sub Domain is. What are the uses of the subdomain?

 If your main website or blog is in any language and you want to create another blog in a different language or on a different topic or lower, then you can create many such subdomains from the same domain. For example, if your website or blog is www..example.com, you can create many different types of blogs by creating a subdomain from it, such as -

Subdomain Example
News.Example.Com Etc.

How to create a subdomain? How To Create Subdomain / Subdomains

In the future, do not know how many Subdomain needs to be in the field of blog or website. For this, before taking hosting, you should know that how many Subdomain Allow the company has bought in that hosting plan, that is, how many Subdomain you can create on that hosting plan.

By the way, most of the company offers to make unlimited subdomains. Even in single hosting, you can create an unlimited Subdomain. To see how many Subdomain Allow are in your hosting plan, or to create a Sub Domain you have to log in to your Hosting Account or Cpanel.

If you are creating a blog on Blogspot.Com and you have a domain then it is very easy to connect Subdomain. First, you create a Subdomain by logging your domain on the website provided by the domain provider from which the domain is taken, then add it from the blog.

Advantages of creating a subdomain. Benefit Of Sub Domains

Some people running a blog or website do not know that all the domains are made from the same domain you are buying. That too for free. So now make sure you make Subdomain and take advantage of it.

Now you will want to know that if we want to create another blog/website then why should everyone create it from the domain itself. You can also create another domain by purchasing. This is made from a subdomain so that the name of your main site is seen in the logo as a brand.

Visitors have trust in that website due to having a main blog/website in all domains. This happens when the main site is already famous or ranks.

Creating subdomains means that you are given a new dashboard, which is just like your new website. And very easily, you can blog on it on any low or topic.

If you create a subdomain by the name of the topic in the field in which you want to do blogging. With this, Google not only gives you a priority, but also easily understands which topic your block is on.

The website or blog created from the subdomain is completely different and there is no connection of any kind from your main site. You can create your own Separate Website from such Sub Domain, you can create a new site on Blogspot.Com or by installing Wordpress in it.

What is Domain Name?

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