
What is Permalink? SEO Friendly Permalink?

What is Permalink?  permalink meaning.

As you know, when we search Search on the Internet about any topic, the result related to it comes. The page of that result or article is connected to a path ie URL or link of a website. That link or URL is called permalink.

page permalink / permalink structure / permalink setting

How to set Permalink.

define permalink meaning./ permalink definition/ permalink meaning/ permalink creatorYou can set permalink in the blog in 2 ways.

1st: -Automatic Permalink

2nd: -Custom Permalink

What is Automatic Permalink?

In Automatic Permalink, someone you write automatically selects the permalink from the first word of the first line or first line of the post, along with the title or title given in the new post. Due to which unrelated words come automatically. And puts negative effects on your blog, which is not good according to SEO.

What is Custom Permalink?

In Custom Permalink you can set the permalink according to your own. Like what is the title of your article. You can create the main word according to the article, like how many words will be in your permalink, which words will be there, you can customize it according to your own.

Permalink has some part fixes, such as the home URL domain name of your website and the date after that you customize some part according to your post title.

How to make SEO Friendly Permalink?

To rank any post in the search engine, as much as the title and meta tag description of the important content is as much as that of permalink.

Permalink setting in Blogger, Wordpress.

Permalink When posting an article of any website, it has to give the path i.e. URL or link.
For example, you can see this URL.

Automatic Permalink: -


Custom Permalink: -


Automatic is taken according to the Permalink title in Automatic Permalink. Whereas in Custom Permalink is the word entered from its custom.

When writing an article in Hindi, always remember that while giving a custom permalink, you should not write permalink in Hindi.

For example, you can see how the correct permalink is given.

Wrong Permalink: - what is permalink

Always use "-" between 2 words in the Post URL while giving Permalink. like:-

Perfect permalink: - what-is-permalink

Permalink should always be given this way according to SEO

We hope that you have received help from the above information.

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