
What is a website? how many types of websites?

What is a website and how many types?

As you know, a lot of work is now dependent on the Internet. And it is increasing day by day. Online is as much work. We depend on some websites for all those tasks. When you search on the internet to get any kind of information, then all the information is available from it. Do you know how this information comes from and where? We have to tell about this further.

Any website is owned by one or the other. The owner of any website can be one or more. The website can be of any type on any low / topic, and the Honor keeps posting information on its website, which we get by searching.

What is the website? website definition.

There are many web page collections on a website. That is, a lot of information is posted on a website. We also call the website a site, in short, both mean the same.

To open any website, we need an application or software. This web browser, which we call Web Browser, is Google Chrome, Firefox, Operamini, UC Browser, etc.

Static Web Page vs Dynamic Web Page

Static Web Page

A static web page is a page where the page remains fixed. Those no one can change. Whenever you open the website, you must have seen that the content of the page never changes. For every user and every person looks the same.

But some websites are such as Log In or Sign Up the contents of their page change every person and there are different web pages for different users.

There are some examples of static web pages like about us page and contact us page never changes its content.

Dynamic Web Page

The dynamic web page is completely opposite from the static web page. In this, the contents of the page are always changed for every user. The page that will be opened for you will be something else for me.

The best example of a dynamic web page is that when you log in to Facebook, the result/page comes up. It is different for every user.

Home Page

The homepage is the first page of the website. When someone visits the website, the first page opens. The home page remains in the root directory of the website. Home.html, index.htm, index.html, index.php, and default on this page. There are also Html files.

Search Engines

A search engine is a program or web program through which a user can search the information of their need from unlimited data on the Internet. As we mentioned above, data/information resides on some websites. We will tell you about some search engines - Google, Yahoo, Bing

Web Address / URL, What is Website Url?

A URL is attached to any website or information page inserted in that website. URL represents of Uniform Resource Locator. It is used to find any network resource i.e. any files such as Web Page, Text Doc, Program or Graphic.

Website Domain

There is a domain name associated with each website, this domain name only tells the name of any website. And through this, people can access the website, the domain name is used to identify one or more IP addresses. Any website in the Internet world remains single. 
There can never be two websites of the same name, such as - abcdef. com has a website then abcdef. net /. org /. in or any other domain, but be abcdef. cannot be com. The domain name is written in the URL to identify the website.

At the end of any blog or website.net, .com, .in,.There is an org, etc. S-type domain is a Top-Level Domain.

India- .in

Government- .gov
Organizations- .org
Commercial- .com
Educational- .edu
United Kingdom- .uk
The United States of America- .us

Similarly, all countries have a different website Domain Country Code.

Types of website

Whenever you search any website or blog through the search engine on the Internet to get some information, the websites that you open are social sites, informational sites, forums and many types of websites. We will know all about these in detail.

Search engine

Search engine sites that use more than 1 billion people every day. Such as Google, Yahoo, Bing. You too must take this search engine every day to do some search. If you want any information, you can get it by searching in the search engine.

Google already has information about other websites, because when you create a website, first you index it in Google so that the search of the website will rank. 

This is the reason that if you search anything in Google, then its result comes on any website. Most people keep Google as the default search engine in their browser. Like in chrome browser you can set default search engine websites by going to the setting.

Informational websites

Informational websites are S-type websites, whose purpose is to give information to people. In these websites, you are given information about a company or industry. These websites contain information on these categories.

Personal Website / Blog

Personal websites and blogs are growing rapidly nowadays. What kind of beauty will remain on this website or blog depends on the category of bloggers or blogs. Like the Internet, Motivational, Technology, Computer, Blogging, SEO lives on the information. If you want to create a free blog, you can make it on Blogger.com.
 That's why most people make their own free blog. There are many websites on the Internet that provide domains and hosting. But it is not good according to SEO and not according to ranking. Free key templates are also available for bloggers.

Apart from this, most people create their own website or blog on WordPress.com. Nothing of free is found here. Proceeds to purchase domains and hosting. Still more people create blogs or websites on this. Big websites or blogs are built on WordPress.com. Because the website on WordPress.com ranks much higher than Blogger. Because of this, professional people always make websites or blogs on it.

If you have created your blog on Blogger.com then you can convert it to WordPress.com. It does not affect the post already done.

Company websites

Nowadays every company has its own website, in which there is the information on a few pages. Such as company name, service, contact, about, home. Now the Internet is an open market for everyone where people search about everything. Get information that is available online. That's why small companies make their own websites.


Forum site is an online forum where people ask questions and discuss a topic along with it. Here, people talk to each other and give solutions to their problems. These S sites are also called the question and answer sites. 
If you search on the Internet, you will find a lot of Forum Site. Where you have to register and if you have any question in your mind then you can ask there. Also, if you have complete information about a topic, then you can also share the information.

You can also create your own forum site. For example Quora. com, this is a better forum site on which many people can share their problems by creating their profile. You can ask any of your strengths and someone answers it.

Online Shops and Auctions websites

You can also create a shopping website. There are many types of products available on this website. Its price is marked. Which can be purchased online or offline. There are many such websites like Flipkart, Amazon, etc.

Social networking

As you know, nowadays most social networking site is famous. People spend a lot of time on this. There are many social networking sites, such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Whatsapp. The most popular social networking site in the world is Facebook, Whatsapp.

Difference between Webpage, Website, Search Engine and Web Server

When all these names come once, it becomes confusing what is the difference between them all. What is the difference between all these, about which we will learn further in brief?

Web page
Any website has a web page. When we do something in search Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, etc. then the same document is displayed in the S search engine.


A website is one that contains countless web pages. Each page or document is collected on the website.


A web server is there to operate a website. Where all the data on the website is available. And this is what all websites host.

Search engine

A search engine is a website from which you can search the data of any website. There are many search engines such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo.

I hope that you have got something to know from the above information. If you like it, then share it.

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