
What is a keyword? How to use It?

What is a keyword? How to use it.

The keyword is very important in the field of blogging. For this, if you do blogging, it is very important to know in-depth about the keyword.

In this, we have to tell what is the keyword? It is about telling about keyword type and keyword placement. It is very important to know this for search engine optimization of blog posts.

When we type in a search engine for any information and any information related to it comes up. The word typed in it is called a keyword.

About the blog post, the keyword tells the search engine to whom this information is related. After that, the search engine analyzes the bots post and shows it in the search engine.
what is keyword, blog keyword, type of keyword, Keyword Density, Keyword Placement, how to use keyword in blog post, eng.dtechin
what is keyword, blog keyword, type of keyword, Keyword Density, Keyword Placement, how to use keyword in blog post, eng.dtechin

Importance of keywords

blog keyword
The keyword is very important for writing articles on the blog. For this, it is very important to first know about the keyword.

Although there are many steps to SEO a blog post, the most important step to SEO for an article is its keyword.

Google's crawler crawls easily by using the keyword correctly in a blog post. By not placing the keyword in the correct place, the SEO of the post is not good. Due to which the post is not ranked.

The keyword describes the content written on the webpage. Based on this, the search engine finds the answer to the searched question. Therefore, the keyword should always be related to that post.

Now we will know about the keyword from the bed, how it is used. What are the types of these? After this, you will also know what should be keyword density, keyword placement.

Types of Keyword

By the way, there are 2 types of keywords. But a third is also considered. Which is the LSI keyword? In this way, the keyword becomes three types.
Short tail keyword
Long-Tail Keywords
LSI Keywords

Now we will learn about these three in detail one by one.

Short tail keyword

Short Tail Keyword is a short keyword. As the name suggests. In which very few words are used. The length of such a keyword is about 3 or less than 3 words.

Due to the high competition on Short Tail Keyword, posts should not be written on such keywords for new bloggers.

You can learn about the Short Tail Keyword by this example.
Main Keyword: - Blogging
Short Tail Keyword: - How to blogging.

Long-Tail Keywords

As its name suggests, the length of Long Tail Keywords is more. The length of such a keyword is about 4 or more than 4 words.

In particular, the new blogger should focus more on Long Tail Keywords.

To understand about Long Tail Keywords, see this example.
Main Keyword: - Blogging

Long Tail Keywords: - What is the easiest way of blogging?/ How to make money from blogging?

LSI Keywords

The full form of LSI is Latent Semantic Indexing. When we write a blog post, then we use many keywords related to that main keyword in it. Which is called the Lsi keyword.

It is very important to use the Lsi keyword in a post. 
This allows google bots to rank the post easily.

Like if your post has a topic: "What is blogging"
So you can use a matching keyword from it. Such as - blogging tips, blogging tricks, how to blogging, learn about blogging.

This type of keyword is called LSI Keywords for your post. LSI shows which keyword has been used so many times.

If you have used more than the same keyword in a post, then it is against Google to do so. And Google bots do not rank such posts.

When you type in search engine for some information, then at that time many keywords related to that keyword are shown which are called LSI Keywords.

Keyword Density

Keyword density is also called keyword density. It depends on the keyword used in your blog article, how many times the keyword has been used in it. Which we call keyword density.

Keyword density is expressed by percentage (%). Like how many times the keyword has been used in 100 words. About 2% of Keyword Density is considered good.

Due to having more Keyword Density, Google considers Bots Keyword Stuffing. That does not crawl the post. And the post is not ranked.

Keyword Placement

According to SEO, it is important to place the Keyword in the right place in the article. Where and how to do Keyword Placement to SEO and rank blog posts well. We are going to tell you about it.

The keyword should be placed in the following places. like:-

  • Must use the keyword within the title.
  • Use the keyword in the URL ie in the permalink of the blog post.
  • Use keywords in the first and last paragraph of the post.
  • Use keywords in the image's alt text and title text.
  • Also, use the keyword in the meta description of the post.
  • Use keywords in Heading and Subheading of blog posts as well.

We hope that you will have got some information to learn from this information given by us. If you like this information given by us, then please share this post through social media.

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