
What is a Computer Network? Useful info. related to networking

What is a Computer Network? Useful info. related to networking

(What Is Network Meaning, Uses Of Computer Network, Computer Network Notes, Computer Network Means)
If you do not know about Computer Network, then you are going to get useful information related to Computer Network. To know about this in full, read this article in full.

When we do some kind of work on the computer or need any information to do that work, then computer networking is a very easy way to send from one place to another.

As we know that earlier we had only possible to send information from one place to another through Postman. Which is still in vogue today.

But this causes a lot of delay in sending and receiving information from one place to another. This is not easy and is not an immediate task. Because it used to take time to reach any important information.

But today, due to the increase in the world of the Internet, it has proved a boon in the field of digitally exchanging any information. So that today we can send any information from one place to another within minutes.

Related to Computer Network, you will know what is Computer Network? History of computer network, which was the first computer network? Types of computer networks, benefits of computer networks, etc.
Now we will know about it in detail.

what is computer network meaning, types of computer network, notes, computer network definition,  advantages, uses, networking, history, mytekhelp
what is computer network meaning, types of computer network, notes, computer network definition,  advantages, uses, networking, history, mytekhelp

What is a Computer Network?

(Computer Network means, Definition Of Network, What Is Networking)
When any two or more computers are connected with the wired or wireless connection, it is called Computer Network.

Its connectivity or networking is done so that any information can be easily exchanged from one place to another in a blink of an eye.

Computer networking works by connecting through the Communication Channel to make communication or resource sharing.

Connected to anything from Twisted Pair Cable, Coaxial Cable, and Fiber Optics Cable is called connected with a wire.

Connected through Radio Wave, Bluetooth, Infrared, Satellite is called wireless connectivity.

Computer Network works with a Combination of Hardware and Software. And allows communication between computers on the network.

By connecting, any one device is able to share data between other devices. It can be any of Device Computers, Servers, Mobiles, Routers, etc.

History of computer network

(Computer Network History)
The computer network was introduced between the years 1960 and 1970. The name of the network was Arpanet. The full name of the Arpanet is called Advance Research Project Agency Network.

During the year 1960, Paul Baron and Donald Davis started work on Packet Switching with the aim of sharing information between two computers.

The electronic telephone switch which was launched in the year 1965 was to control the computer.

Initially, the purpose of that network was to connect the terminal and remote job entry stations with the mainframe.

Arpanet used packet switching technology instead of circuit switching.

The Arpanet was used in the US Department of Defense to send the Guinea threat. After more improvement in this field, industrialists also started using it.

Today it has become the largest network in the world. Which we know by the name of the Internet.

What was the first computer network?

(First Computer Network, Networking)
Arpanet was the world's first computer network.
Arpanet was the first computer network to use packet switching.

The first message was sent by Arpanet Network on 2 October 1969 in 9 years.

Type of computer network

(Computer Network type, Types Of Networking)
There are many types of computer networks. The type of computer network is according to its size, capacity, working style.

That is, there are different types of networks to connect small and large areas.

Although there are many types of computer networks, there are three main types. Which will now be known in detail.

Lan (Local Area Network)
Man (Metropolitan Area Network)
Wan (Wide Area Network)
Wlan (Wireless Local Area Network)
Pan (Personal Area Network)
Han (Home Area Network)

Lan (Local Area Network): - Local Network or Small Area Network is called Lan Network.

It covers local areas such as home, office, or building groups through a computer network.

Apart from this, this network is used for college, school, business organization, data storage, document printing.

Hub, Switch, Network Adapter, Router, and Ethernet Cable are required to make this type of network.

The minimum can be made by connecting two computers in the smallest Lan and 1000 computers in the largest Lan.

Lan is enabled when sharing a Wi-Fi Connection. Lan can be enabled via Wi-Fi or Ethernet.

Man (Metropolitan Area Network): - This type of network is spread over a larger geographical area than Lan.

It is a high-speed network through which any type of data such as voice can be carried at speeds exceeding 200 megabytes per second to a distance of about 75 Km.

The Man network is one that is larger than Lan and smaller than Wan. By which one city is connected to another city.

Wan (Wide Area Network): - This network allows long transmission of data, voice, and video. This type of network is larger than the Man network.

It is used to transfer data across large geographic areas such as countries, continents, or the entire world.

Wlan (Wireless Local Area Network): - Connects wirelessly to this parker's network. Wireless means without wire i.e. without wire. With which we connect our Networking Device to any Wi-Fi.

It works like Lan which works on the base of Radio Wave without wire.

Pan (Personal Area Network): - This is a computer network that works to connect the workspace of a personal person.
This type of network is used in a small indoor network.

Han (Home Area Network): - It is also a type of private network. With the help of which other devices available in a house such as Printers, Tablet, Speakers, Laptops, etc. are connected among themselves.

Wire to Internet Connection or Wi-Fi technology is used for Home Area Network.

Essential Components for Computer Network
Computers, Switch, Router, Hub, Modem, Cables, Repeater, Network Cards, Bridge, etc.

Benefits of computer network

(Advantage of Computer Network)
There are many benefits of networking which are given below.

Through this, we are able to exchange any information today.

Through computer networking, any type of data is shared very easily.

Applications can also be shared through the network.
Through this, work like e-mail, video conferencing, etc. is done.

With this, more and more work is done in a fast and easy way at least expenses.

So or was this information about Computer Networking, in which we have tried to describe the complete information in an easy and detailed form.

In this post, you learned what is Computer Network? History of computer network, which was the first computer network? Types of computer networks, benefits of computer networks, etc.

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