
AdSense Approval, don't make such a mistake, otherwise..?

AdSense Approval, don't make such a mistake, otherwise..?

(AdSense Not Approved, AdSense Disable, AdSense Approval Problem)
In today's post, we are going to tell you how some people make mistakes in order to apply for AdSense Approval.

When we apply for AdSense, we get rejected due to some reason.

For example, sometimes Reused content is sometimes due to terms and conditions and privacy policy, there are many other reasons.

Now, most of the COVID 19 also gets rejected. And is called for Re-Apply.

And because of not getting Approval, we all apply again and again.

But the main issue is that when applying repeatedly, AdSense does not get Approval.

Some people get nervous and create their second AdSense account and then apply again.

This is where the biggest mistake is made and because of this mistake, when sending for Approval

Mail arrives in which it is written that you already have an AdSense Account

There are also many who do not know why this happens.

We should never make such a mistake.

Because any person is allowed to have only one AdSense account in his name.

In this case, do not make a mistake by creating another AdSense account.

Its biggest disadvantage is when one AdSense account has been approved and another one has been created and applied.

In such a situation, there is a fear that the earlier AdSense account should not be closed.

And you would know that once the AdSense account is closed, you cannot create another one with that name.

Therefore, you should never create another AdSense account without forgetting it.

If you have applied for Approval of any Blog or YouTube Channel, then wait till the response comes.

After that, try to solve according to what mail comes in the reply.

For example, your website or YouTube channel is not approved due to any deficiency or there is some other reason.

Solve it. But do not create another AdSense account.

So this was very important information related to AdSense. Which many new Blogger or YouTube do not know about.

We hope that he will benefit from this AdSense information. Which is new in Blogging or YouTube Field.

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