
What is Digital Marketing and how to start?

What is Digital Marketing and how to start?

You must have heard the name of digital marketing. But due to the lack of any specific information about it, you must have stayed away from it.

Digital marking is one such way by which you can achieve a good position.

Because now due to the rapid expansion of Digital Marketing, every company uses it the most to promote its service and product.


In this, we are going to tell what is digital marketing. How is digital marketing done? About etc.

Now you will know about it.


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what is digital marketing meaning, types of digital marketing google, examples of digital marketing course kya hai in English, eng.dtechin

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing meaning

To advertise, sell or provide any product or service digitally is called digital marketing.

To sell which we use digital technologies like the internet and other mediums.

Digitally advertising means advertising on a digital device. Not online.

Because the internet is not necessary for digital marketing.

It is part of both online and offline marketing i.e. Digital marketing.

Talking about online, those devices have to be targeted which is connected to the Internet.

Talking about offline, that is SMS. SMS marketing is also a part of digital marketing which can be done without the internet.


Some important information related to digital marketing.

Digital marketing examples

Mobile and internet users are increasing day by day. In such a situation, the scope of digital marketing is very high.

We keep getting all kinds of information in running ad campaigns digitally. Like

How many people saw your ad or website.

At what age people see more ads?

Seen from where

On which keyword did you see it?

What was their gender


By having such information, by monitoring the ads run by you, the kind of people from the location they see. In the same way, ads are run.

The next day after running the ads, it will be known how he performed. Then accordingly, on the basis of this data, you will make changes in your ads and run them again.

Ads are run as per the requirement. For example, if your product is needed all over the world, then you can run ads on your website all over the world.

Many companies spend lakhs of rupees to promote their product online. Whose input is also very good.


How to do Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing course, types of digital marketing

We can divide digital marketing into two parts online and offline.


Online digital marketing

Marketing using an online platform is called online digital marketing.


Search Engine Optimization:-Search engine optimization means to rank your website as much as possible on the search engine for a keyword.

Content marketing:- Content marketing means creating good content like articles, videos, images, etc. For your customer.

Social media marketing:- Social media marketing means advertising your product on social media.

Search Engine Marketing:- In this, your keyword has to be ranked in the search engine by paying.

Pay per click advertising:- The click on which money is deducted is called pay per click advertising. Like ads on any blog/website.

Affiliate marketing: - When creating an affiliate link of a product from the profile created by us of any company. Then we get a commission from the product purchased from that link.

E-mail marketing:- In email marketing, by collecting the email address of your customer, he sends mail of any product to him.



Offline, we keep informing the customer about any product through SMS.


Digital marketing platform

There are many platforms for this. From where you can do Digital Marketing. Like:-

You can promote your product by creating your own blog/website.

By creating a youtube channel, you can give good information about your product.

You can also advertise your business by paying on other's websites or youtube channels.

You can also do it through social media like Facebook, Instagram, etc.

You can do digital marketing by running ads for your product by paying on Google adwords.

Getting commission by affiliate marketing.

Email marketing can be done.

You can also do SMS marketing.

You can also promote your company by making apps.

Similarly, there are many other ways.


We hope that you have got to learn something related to digital marketing. If you liked this information hot then please share it.

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