Learn about Digital Signature.
Know details about the digital signature, digital signature
Do you know what Digital Signature is? There was a time when only a Physical Signature is used. In which it was quite possible to do wrong.
But now we have started using Digital signatures instead of
Physical Signatures. Which is quite safe?
Now you will get some special information about it. Like
what is Digital Signature? How does Digital Signature work? Advantages of
Digital Signature What are Digital Signature Certificates? You will know about
what is digital signature meaning, how to get digital signature online process, what is digital signature and how it works, eng.dtchin
What is Digital Signature?
A digital signature is a mathematical scheme to represent
the authenticity of a digital message or document.
A digitally signed special code that is used to authenticate
any online document.
Techniques like Digital Signature we can find out how
Authentic or Genuine that document is.
A digital signature is mostly used for e-commerce, software
distribution, financial transactions, and online banking so that our
transactions can be secure.
Digital Signature was invented in 1977 by Ronald Rivest, Adi
Shamir, and Len Adleman.
How does Digital Signature work?
digital signature process, how to get the digital signature
When one person sends something by online to another. If
that document needs to be digitally signed, then the hash function is applied
to it. From which a "numbered sequence" emerges which is called Hash.
After that, the same hash is encrypted with "Sender
Private Key".
After doing this, now that document becomes digitally
signed. And it is sent to another man.
Now if another person gets the Signed Document, then some
important things will have to be done to check the authenticity of that
For this, first, he had to use the "Hash function"
on that document, from which he would get the first hash in the result.
Then he will have to decrypt that signed document using
"Sender Public Key". By which he will get the second Hash in the
Now the first and second Hash will have to be compared, if
both the items come out, then we can say that the Signed Document is completely
Advantages of Digital Signature
digital signature online
The job of Digital Signature is to prevent any kind of
tampering and impersonation with Digital Documents.
Due to the Digital Signature link with the Private Keys of
any user, it can be used only by him. In such a situation, it is known that who
is the real owner of this document.
Signing cannot be faked by using the public keys of any
Digital Signature is more secure than Ink Signature or Paper
In Digital Signature, an electronic identity is
cryptographically tied to an electronic document. And which cannot be copied so
What is Digital Signature Certificate?
A digital certificate is a certificate issued by a
"Certifying Authority" that allows an individual, organization to
exchange data securely over the Internet using a public key infrastructure
It is also known as Public Key Certificate or Identity
It provides a high level of security to the information
exchange (name, pin code, country, email address, date of issue of certificate,
and name of the certifying authority) taking place in online transactions.
In this, you know what is Digital Signature? How does
Digital Signature work? Advantages of Digital Signature What are Digital Signature
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