What is e-commerce, important information related to it?
E-commerce introduction, e-commerce business
If you do not know about e-commerce, then what is e-commerce
in this very easy language for you? How many types are there, what are their
advantages and disadvantages?
Apart from this, you will get much more information related
to it in detail.
So now you will know about it below.
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What is E-Commerce?
E-commerce definition, e-commerce meaning
The full name of e-commerce is electronic commerce.
E-commerce means buying and selling goods and services
through the Internet.
E-commerce is an online way of completing business transactions.
It involves the exchange of goods and services through
electronic support. The number of electronic businesses has increased
significantly since the Internet was launched.
The Internet economy is growing day by day. Because everyone
is connecting to the internet nowadays. And many of them want to buy goods
online sitting at home.
Types of e-commerce
E-commerce examples
What are the types of e-commerce – Types Of E-commerce in
Business To Business (B2B):- A manufacturer sells his goods
to the wholesaler and the wholesaler sells those goods to the retailer. It has
three businesses: Manufacturer, Wholesaler, and Retailer.
Business to Consumer (B2C):- The company sells its product
online directly to the consumer. In this, the customer orders the product
online. The company then ships the product directly to the customer. like
amazon, Flipkart
Consumer To Business (C2B):- This is the exact opposite
model of the B2C model. In this, the customer sells his product or service to
the company.
Consumer To Consumer (C2C):- In this type of e-commerce,
both the buyer and seller are consumers. That is, a consumer sells his product
online to another consumer. Like OLX, Quicker
Business to Administration (B2A) or Business to Government
(B2G):- In this type of business, business organizations and government
agencies exchange information through internet sites. Such as financial, social
security, employment, legal documents, and registrars, etc.
Consumer to Administration (C2A) or Consumer to Government
(C2G):- In this, the exchange of information between the consumer and the
government agency takes place online.
Benefits of e-commerce
E-commerce benefits, e-commerce advantages
Importance of E-commerce – Features of E-commerce in Hindi
There is no need to leave home to buy products or services.
Any item available on the website is easily available by
booking through the internet.
It also saves time.
Multiple Choices i.e. one can choose from infinite options
in terms of prices of the product
Coupons and offers bring down prices.
Easy to compare prices with other brands
24 hours access and convenience for product choice and
Disadvantages of e-commerce
E-commerce disadvantages
What are the disadvantages of e-commerce? – Impact of
E-commerce in Hindi
One cannot see the quality before booking any product.
To keep online transactions safe, it is important to keep in
mind privacy and security.
There is a delay in receiving the purchased product.
Hidden cost
Website fraud
Popular e-commerce website name
E-commerce websites, the e-commerce company
India's Most Popular E-commerce Websites List in Hindi
Now you must have understood very well what is e-commerce?
About types of e-commerce, advantages of e-commerce, disadvantages of
e-commerce, popular e-commerce website name.
If you liked this information, then please do not forget to
share it.
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