
How to add Bigrock's Custom Domain to Blogger?

How to add Bigrock's Custom Domain to Blogger?

Blogger custom domain, how to add a custom domain to blogger bigrock

In this, we have to tell how you will be able to add a custom domain to your blog. That is, if you have made your blog on the blogger platform, then how will you be able to remove the blogspot.com in the blog name and add the domain of your choice.
For this, you have to buy a domain of your choice. After that, you will have to add this domain to your blog.
Why is the custom domain added to a blog? What are its benefits? And how it is added. We are going to tell you all about these further.

Advantages of adding Custom Domain.

Custom domain blogger, connect a domain to blogger
If your blog is on blogger and has not added a custom domain to it. Then add it. Because there are many benefits of having a custom domain in the blog, about which we are going to tell.

When you create a blog on a blogger, blogspot.com gives sub-domain on its behalf for free. Due to which the name of the blog becomes very large. And because of Blogspot, it does not look professional either. And if you add a custom domain, then Blogspot is removed from it. Because of which it looks professional.

Whenever visitors do some search in Google, from whatever blog comes, blogspot.com likes to visit .com .in, .org, .net on the site.

After taking the custom domain, you can create a professional email (contact@example.com) with the name of your blog.

After taking a custom domain, you can create a sub-domain for any of your other blogs for free.

Talking about Adsense, custom domain matches the blog or blogspot.com in both domain blogs but if the custom domain is added then it gets approved soon.

Due to the custom domain, the blog looks professional which increases the credibility between public. Due to which the ranking is also much higher than blogspot.com.

It is also believed that the custom domain added blog gives more preference to search engines than blogspot.com. 

How to Add Custom Domain?

Bigrock domain, bigrock, connect a domain to blogger
To add a custom domain to blogger, code is given in a blogger which is to be added to the domain. Through which the blogger has to create 2 CNAME Records and 4 A Records in the domain from the code.

1. To do this setting, one has to go to the Settings option in the dashboard of the blog. After page up in it, the publishing ball will have to go under the head section.
2. Custom domain will appear written under publishing. Have to click on it.

3. Now go to your bigrock account and login.

4. Once logged in, click on the domain that you have purchased.

5. Now scroll down the page and at the bottom of it, DNS Management will appear. The option of Management DNS will appear just below it. Have to click on it.
blogger custom domain, custom domain blogger, add bigrock domain to blogger, bigrock domain, eng.dtechin
blogger custom domain, custom domain blogger, add bigrock domain to blogger, bigrock domain, eng.dtechin

6. Now a second page will open for further settings. In which to click on CNAME Records. Then click on add CNAME Record and add it.

This is how to put the CNAME code of blogger like this. Which is mentioned below?

In Host Name: - www
In Value: - ghs.google.com
TTL: - It has to be left default.
Now click on Add Record button.

Then click on Add CNAME Record to create another CNAME record.
In Host Name: - *************** (Blog Bala code has to be inserted here which is highlighted in front of the name in the image.)
In Value: - ***********************. **. Googlehosted.com (Here additional code is to be inserted which is highlighted against the destination in the image. )

After putting it, now click on the Add Record button.

After CNAME is recorded, A Records has to be created now. The following four IP addresses are to be made separately from the four IP addresses. For this, click on Add A Record button.

After that this IP address has to be added to Destination ipv4 Address. There is nothing else to do after that.
blogger custom domain, custom domain blogger, how to add custom domain to blogger bigrock, add bigrock domain to blogger, bigrock domain, eng.dtechin
blogger custom domain, custom domain blogger, how to add custom domain to blogger bigrock, add bigrock domain to blogger, bigrock domain, eng.dtechin

Then click on Add Record.

When all four records are created, then after that, go back to the blogger and click save and save it.

Custom domain redirect

How to redirect blogger to a custom domain

Now after all the processing of the custom domain, an option of a Redirect Domain has been given at the bottom of it. He must be enabled.

The reason for enabling the redirect option is that the blog you were already creating. His URL or the URL of the post on that blog runs in the search engine. Or are shared anywhere. In such a situation, whenever someone visits it, it will be redirected.

The URL address of this blog will be given internally in the blog anywhere, it will be all automatic redirect.

Setting up the blog after adding the custom domain.
After adding the custom domain it is very important to do some settings of the blog. What are the settings that we have to tell below?

After adding the custom domain, the robots.txt file of the blog has to be removed first and add new robots.txt.

By adding a custom domain, puzzles will be added to your blog in the search console, yet you will have to verify this blog by adding this custom domain to Google Search Console.

After that, the Sitemap has to be submitted.
After doing all this, now all the settings of your blog will be completed.

In this, we have tried to give full information in a clear manner, so that you can add bigrock's domain to your blog. We hope you have benefited from this information. If you like the information, then please share this post on the social site.

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