
How to submit a blog/ website to Bing Webmaster Tools?

How tosubmit a blog, a website to Bing Webmaster Tools?

bing webmaster tools submit URL

When creating a blog, it is very important to bring it to the search engine. For example, for submitting a lane to Google's search engine, we had submitted the blog in Google's free service google search console.

But do you know that there are many other search engines in the same way that offer this kind of service for free? Where you can submit your blog.

It is important to optimize the blog for all those popular search engines. So that your blog will be searched by visitors in all search engines.

Due to the blog shows on all search engines, they could get their blog ranked as much as possible. So in this, we have to talk about bing webmaster tools. In which how to add a blog.

bing webmaster tools setup is very easy to tell about. Through which you can submit your blog or website.

Submitting your blog/website to Bing Webmaster Tool will start showing in bing search engine and traffic will start coming from bing search engine too?

You may not know that bing is the second largest search engine after google. Due to which bing webmaster tools can also increase traffic significantly like google.

You will not know about bing and yahoo. So know that both bing and yahoo are one. If you submit a blog in Bing Webmaster Tools, then the blog will become live in both Bing and Yahoo search engines. And will start coming in search.

What is Bing Webmaster Tools?

bing webmaster tools verification, bing webmaster tools account

If you wonder what bing is. So Bing is a huge search engine. Which has its own search console like Google? Through which the blog is indexed in the Bing search engine. So that blog will come in the search of the Bing search engine and rank it.

The Google search engine is popular in our country, but the use of the Bing search engine is very high in many other countries. This is a good search engine for traffic lanes from other countries on the blog.

The bing search engine is from Microsoft. And this is the bing webmaster tools. Which is not charged. It provides absolutely free service.

How to submit a blog to Bing Webmaster Tools?

bing webmaster tools login, bing webmaster tools submit URL, bing webmaster tools setup

1. To submit your blog in Bing Webmaster Tools, first, you have to go to its website. Whose link is given below? You can go to that site through it.

2. Now you have to login by entering an email id and password. Apart from this, you can also log in with Microsoft account or if you do not have a Microsoft account. So the option to log in from Facebook is also given.

3. After signing up, you will now be taken to the account of Bing Webmaster Tools. Enter the URL of your blog on My Site. And click on Add.
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bing webmaster tools, submit blog to bing webmaster tools, submit url bing webmaster tools , submit site to bing webmaster tools, verif, eng.dtechin

4. After that, the page will open again, in which the option of adding a site will come. In which the name of the site will be there, but you will get the option of adding a sitemap under the URL of the site in which to add the sitemap.

5. It is necessary to add a sitemap because adding a search informs the search engine about the URL of all posts.

To add a sitemap, one has to put a sitemap.xml in front of the address of your blog, ie the domain name.
In this way, put sitemap.xml in front of your blog's URL and past it. Such as: -https: //www.example.com/sitemap.xml

6. Now a new page will open to verify your blog. In which you have given four ways to verify Blog.

By adopting one of the methods that you like, you can verify your blog in Bing Webmaster Tools.
bing webmaster tools, submit blog to bing webmaster tools, submit url bing webmaster tools , submit site to bing webmaster tools, verif, eng.dtechin
bing webmaster tools, submit blog to bing webmaster tools, submit url bing webmaster tools , submit site to bing webmaster tools, verif, eng.dtechin

All these options have to be explained in the details below, through which you can easily verify by adopting any one method.

1st Method: - On top of that which we have indexed with the 1st method, already verified on google search console? Skip verification by importing your site is written.

Import is written on its side, which can be verified by clicking on it. But verify through it will happen if you have already verified your blog in Google search console.

2nd Method: - It will have written an XML file on your web server, which we have indicated by the 2nd method.

To verify this, you have to download an XML file by clicking on Download BingSiteAuth.xml written in it. After that, it has to be uploaded in cpanel's file manager.

Then again come to the page of Bing Webmaster Tools and click on verify.

3rd Method: - It will have written copy and past a meta tag in your default webpage which has been indexed by 3rd method.

In this, Bing Webmaster Tools Verify Code i.e. Meta Tag code has to be copied.

After copying the Meta tag code, go to the Dashboard of your blog template section, and click on the theme.

Now after clicking on Edit HTML, paste the code below the <head> section and click on Save Theme.

After that, now come to the Bing Webmaster Tools page and click on Verify. will be verified.

4th Method: - It will have add name record manually to DNS. Which we have indicated with the 4th method.

To verify Bing Webmaster Tools through this, copy the code in front of Add CNAME (alias) record with the name.

After that, you will have taken your domain from where. Login yourself to that company's site.

Now the option written in DNS will appear. Click on that DNS and add DNS.

Now, past the code which is copied from the Bing Webmaster Tools page.

After that, now go to the bing verification page and click on the verify option. Now your blog will be verified with Bing Webmaster Tools.

As soon as verify success, the page will go on the dashboard of webmaster tools where you can see the total information of your website on the dashboard.

We hope you have benefited from this post. In which we have told in detail how to submit a blog in Bing Webmaster Tools. If you like this information told by us, then please share it.

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