
What is DNS? How does it work?

What isDNS? how does it work?

What is Domain name system

If you want to blog or have some kind of website and you do not know about DNS, then it is very important to know about DNS. In this post, we have told you about DNS in such a way that you will be very easy to understand.

Does it describe what DNS is? how does it work? And about its history.

We know that many people in the world visit any website at any time. When searching in a browser by typing the name or URL of that website. And according to our wish, browse the data or information we need. And we get the same result.

But you must have tried not to know where and how to get this data. We are going to tell you about this. And know what is the relationship between DNS and Domain name?

The computer does not recognize the human language. Rather it recognizes numbers. When you want to open a website, it is the name of a site. Then how it opens. Which is important to know about.

How does all this happen? Which you will know in depth below.

What is DNS?

DNS-Domain-name-system, DNS definition

DNS is the system to manage the domain name of a website.

If it is talked about the Domain name system definition, then it happens that DNS contributes to accessing the website. DNS itself reduces the management of domain names and IP addresses.

The full form of DNS (DNS full form, full form DNS) is the Domain name system. DNS is a system that converts domain names to a number such as IP Address. Which identifies the site.

All the websites of the world are hosted on a server through online internet. Then when visited on the site, it reaches the server hosted to be accessed.

The server is excessed by IP address, not by the domain name. That is, an IP address is required to open a site and connect to the server.

You cannot know about a website from an IP address, what kind of website is there. The most important is that remembering this number of IP addresses is smiling. Because you cannot remember the IP address of many sites.

In view of this problem, a domain name system was needed. So that any site can be easily identified. DNS is required to manage the name of any site through IP address and to make it more connected by connecting to the server.

History of DNS

When the Internet was started and when very few websites were used, at that time a website was identified from the IP address itself. Whenever a website had to be opened, the IP address had to be remembered.

Then, day by day Internet usage increased and the number of websites increased significantly as the network base grew. After which it became difficult to remember the IP address of many websites.

To tackle this problem, a computer scientist named Paul Mockapetris invented the Domain Name System (DNS) in 1980.

The invention of DNS was considered to be quite controversial and useful. By which the IP address of a site is opened by not remembering its name. Which became very easy. This is how DNS was invented. The benefit of which is being given to all of us today.

How does DNS work?

How DNS works?, DNS example, what is DNS and how it works

To load the resources of the site on the Internet translates the domain name to the IP address via DNS.

When we want to open the domain name of a website by typing it in a web browser, then DNS itself converts the domain name into a number to connect to the server and open. After that, the site opens.

Now you understand that the task of DNS is to convert the domain name to IP address.

Records of all domain names in the world are managed by ICANN (internet corporation of assigned names and numbers).

Through ICANN, many companies like GoDaddy, Bigrock, Namecheap, etc. have been given authority to sell the domain names.

Instead of managing the domain name with ICANN, the domain registrars charge something every year even after we buy the domain.

We hope that in this post you must have understood what DNS is what is its history and how does it work?

If you have got some information to learn from this information given by us, then please share this post on any social sites.

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