
What is an IP Address? How to know it

What is anIP Address? How to know it

How to find the IP address?

You must have at least heard the name of the IP address in the world of the internet. But never think about what the purpose of this IP address is for any website, mobile, computer, tablet, or another device.

If you have a blog or website. Or if you are an internet user, then sometimes its settings are needed. By the way, you must be aware of "IP address Kya Hota Hai".

In this post, we have given detailed information about the IP address. (What is IP Address in Hindi?), What is needed and how does it work. You will understand all about these in this post easily.
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what is ip address, what is my ip address, find ip address, what is ip address in computer, ip address classes, ip address formate exampl, eng.dtechin

What is IP address

What is IP address in Hindi, IP address

The full form of IP address (IP address full form, full form of IP address) is Internet Protocol Address. It is an address in the form of mathematical digits. From hosting a website, Internet communication is possible through this IP address.

The IP address is also known as IP only. This unique address easily identifies a device. And information is communicated by communicating through this internet protocol.

The Internet that we use in our mobiles, computers, etc. That internet connects to some id. Which is called an IP address?

When connecting your blog or website with a domain name, then there is also a need for an IP address. That is, any website in the world is hosted by some server. And we use it online. Which remains connected through an IP address.

Why is IP Address Used?

When we send some goods somewhere. Or if we have to go somewhere, and address is required.
By the way, nothing can be sent anywhere without an address. In the same way, no internet or any website can be run without an IP address.

The internet network address running in a device is the exact address of the internet protocol address.
Without which we cannot communicate with any device. No more can make the site excessive. Hence the IP address is used.

History of IP Address

history of IP address, IP address history
The first version of IP (internet protocol) was IPv4.
IP Address was developed by Arpanet in the year 1983.

There are currently two types of IP address formats available.

IP Address Version

The version of IP Address, IP address classes
So far IP address is available in two types of versions. Have sung about these two below.
1st. Ipv4
2nd. IPv6.

IPv4: -

The IPv4 full form is Internet Protocol version 4. This version was developed by Arpanet in the year 1983.

The IPv4 version is 32 bits. There are 4 groups of digits in it. Each group can contain one to three digits. All groups of its binary bits are separated by a dot (.). And each is divided by a dot of range 0-255.

It provides five classes of IP addresses like Class A, B, C, D, and E.

IPv4 looks like this, shown below as an example. This digit can be any number of IP address instead.
IP address formate / IP address example: -

IPv6: -

The IPv6 full form is Internet Protocol version 6. IPv6 version Bale IP Address was introduced in the year 1994 by IETF.

The IPv6 version is 128 bits. It is also called internet protocol next generation (IPng). Which was brought to meet the lack of internet address?

The IP address with IPv6 version consists of 8 groups and each group has 4 hexadecimal digits. In this, each group is separated by colons (:).

The IPv6 version provides the facility to store IP addresses in unlimited numbers.

How is the IP address showing the IPv6 version, which we have mentioned as an example below?
IP address formate / IP address example: - 2011: 0bc5: 47a3: 0244: 0000: 73fj: 0032: 1742

Types of IP Address

There are several types of IP addresses. And it is used in different places for different purposes. Which has been described below?

Each IP address given below has two versions. Such as first version IPv4 address and second version IPv6 address. Which we have already told about above.

Now, we will learn about the types of IP addresses and all those types.
Private IP Address
Public IP Address
Static IP Address
Dynamic IP Address
Now we will learn about all these types one by one.

Private IP Address

This type of IP Addresses is used to communicate with any devices in a private network.

Mobile, computer Many devices are connected by cable or wireless. So this type of IP is called Private IP Address.

Public IP Address

A public IP address is used to communicate with a device outside the home or private network. Through this IP address, you can connect to any device worldwide through the internet.

There are two types of public IP addresses. The first one is a Static IP Address. The second one is Dynamic IP Address.

Static IP Address

Static IP Address is purchased by the Internet Service Provider to access a server.
We cannot change this type of IP address. That is, the static IP address is always the same.

Dynamic IP Address

A Dynamic IP Address is an IP address that is not permanent. This is a temporary Internet address. The IP address changes automatically when the computer is connected to the Internet.

Whenever internet access is to be done, it is assigned by the Internet service provider.

The IP address is assigned by a DHCP server called a dynamic IP address.

How to know the IP address?

find my IP address
Now we will know how we can find out the IP address of our computer, laptop, smartphone?

In order to know the Public IP Address and Private IP Address, all devices like operating systems have some different steps. Which we will know about.

The first way to know the IP address of any device is to know the IP address of the device. In it, the IP address of your device will be displayed as soon as you press Enter by typing what is my IP in the search box of a browser.

Apart from this, there is also another way to find an IP address. Both mobile and computer can know different ways of the device.

IP Address Detection on Android Devices

find the IP address of the phone, android mobile phone IP address

To see your local IP address on Android devices, first of all, go to the phone's settings.
Then go to the Wi-Fi settings. And following its steps, you can see the private IP address.

Addressing IP Addresses in Windows Computer

find the IP address of the computer, pc IP address, computer IP address
In Windows, you can find out the IP address of your computer through Command Prompt.

For this, first of all, open Command Prompt on your computer.

Now after Windows Command Prompt is open, ipconfig has to be typed with the help of the keyboard.

After typing ipconfig, you have to press the Enter key.

Now the IP address of your Windows PC will be displayed in front of you.

You can also get your computer's IP address in this way.
Start button> Control panel> Network and internet> Network and sharing center> Details

Finding the IP Address of the Router

You can use WhatsMyIP.org, or WhatIsMyIPAddress.com to find the IP address of the Router.

In this post, we have given the necessary information about the IP address i.e. internet protocol address. Now Syed will not be strong in your mind what is the IP address? How to know it Why is the history of IP address, IP address version, type of IP address, and IP address used?

We hope you have benefited from this information given by us. And if you like this information, then please share this post on any social sites.

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