
What is HTML? How does it work

What is HTML? How does it work

HTML meaning
If you have a blog or website. Or is an internet user. And visit any site. So, the question has come to your mind that how the site we visit is made.

HTML has an important role in building a website. In this post, we are going to give information about "What is HTML, Full Form of HTML, How HTML works, History of HTML and HTML version".

If you want to become a professional web developer. Or you have a site and want to create a perfect look, then it is not possible without learning HTML. And in this way, it is necessary to have knowledge of HTML.

If you want to learn HTML, then neither age nor any kind of degree is required for this. You can teach it whenever you want. Learning HTML is much easier than learning any other programming language (Java, PHP, javascript, python, c ++, etc.). It can be taught in a very short time.

Next, you will learn about many topics related to HTML.
what is html definition, html tags, html uses, html meaning, html example, features of html, html full form, what is html used for, eng.dtechin
what is html definition, html tags, html uses, html meaning, html example, features of html, html full form, what is html used for, eng.dtechin

What is HTML?

HTML is a computer programming language. Which we use to create the structure of a website and create webpages. Apart from this, it is used in many other places.

HTML supports in any web browser. HTML is the most widely used computer language except for the most famous. HTML is a markup language.

In the early days of the Internet, the website was made only from HTML. But many computer languages ​​have come so far. But HTML is the easiest to learn and use.

CSS is used to give a better look and style of a website. But HTML is used to make the structure of any website.

Text, images, and videos appearing on the website are also applied with the help of HTML.

After creating any kind of HTML document in Notepad, if you want to save it in HTML, then you have to type.HTML in the file extension.
Such as: - "myfile.HTML"

Full form of HTML

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The full form of HTML is "hypertext markup language".
This is the full name of HTML. HTML is a computer language.

Where is HTML used?

HTML uses

HTML language is used to create some kind of website.

With the help of HTML, you can add any kind of content to a web page.

You can also modify it by adding color, font size, background color, table, etc. to the web page through HTML.

You can create web documents through HTML.

Game development can be done through HTML.

Responsive graphics can be created through HTML.

Apart from this, HTML is also used in many places.

We use tags to write HTML code. Which is about to be mentioned below.

What are HTML tags?

what is HTML tag

HTML tags are a keyword written inside a close bracket.

In this example, you can see how the HTML tag is written between brackets.
Such as <HTML tag name>.

When you view a page created with the HTML command inside the browser, only the result of the command is visible. It does not see tags in it.

All code written in HTML is written inside tags. Using which you can create web pages.

We can write HTML code in this way. We take the title as an example.
Like <title> myfiles </title>

Whatever has been written inside the title tag will become the title of that HTML document.

What are HTML elements?

All the contents and tags from the opening tag of the title tag to the closing tag are called HTML elements.
Such as: - <title> myfiles </title>

HTML example

features of HTML 
HTML tag :- <HTML> </HTML>
Any web page or document of HTML is started to create with this tag.

Head tag :- <head> </head>
The header area of ​​any web page is created through this tag.

Body tag :- <body> </body>
The main tag of this HTML is used only once in the document.

Heading tag :- <h1> </h1>
The heading tag is used to write the heading of the document. Heading tag that ranges from h1 to h6.

Title tag :- <title> / title>
To give the title of a web page, we use the title tag. Let's write this tag inside the head tag.

Paragraph tag :- <p> </p>
A paragraph tag is used to write a paragraph.

Link tag :- <link>
A link tag is used to link some kind of data to an external source.

Image tag :- <img>
Use this tag to add a link to the path or source of the image.
This tag is used to add images to the webpage.

How does HTML work?

how to work HTML

All the HTML files of the website are stored on the webserver. This is shown on this browser from the server after opening through any browser of your computer or mobile such as - chrome, firefox, opera, internet explorer, etc.

Instructions are given through HTML to code for executing a task on the website. As a result of which we see the result of any information on the site.

History of HTML

HTML history
Tim Berners-lee, who invented the World Wide Web ie www in 1989. HTML was also invented by him.
HTML was invented in the year 1990 by Tim Berners-lee.

Many versions of HTML have come so far. Learn about all those versions and the year of its invention.

Html version

The version of HTML
HTML is several versions. The most recent version of this is HTML5. HTML5 has been improved by adding many features compared to the first version.

The primary version of HTML was sold in the year 1990.

Then came another version of HTML in 1995. Which version is known as HTML 2.0?

Then came the third version of HTML in 1997. Whose version is HTML 3.2.

The fourth version of HTML was then invented in the year 1999. The version of which is known from HTML 4.01.

Then in the year 2000 came a version with a combination of XML and HTML.

Then in 2014 HTML 5, the latest version of HTML was launched.

The updated version of HTML5, HTML5.1 was launched in 2016.

After HTML5.1, its updated version HTML5.2 launched in 2017.

HTML 5 and its updated version is a better version than all previous versions.

In this post, we have tried to give you information about HTML, what is HTML, full form of HTML, how HTML works, where HTML is used?, History of HTML, HTML example and HTML version about.

We hope that you will have got something to learn from this information given by us. If you like this information given by us, then please share this post on social sites.

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