
What is a search engine? Crawling, Indexing, Ranking

What is a search engine? How does it work

Example of a search engine, type of search engine

In this, you will know what is the search engine? How does the search engine work? And how many types of search engines are there? Apart from this, you will be able to know about crawling, indexing, ranking.

Through the search engine in the world, different types of information and data are obtained from the Internet. Based on the information searched by the user, the search engine is shown in descending order out of many results.
what is search engine? type of search engine, example of search engine, search engine meaning, Crawling, Index, Ranking, eng.dtechin
what is search engine? type of search engine, example of search engine, search engine meaning, Crawling, Index, Ranking, eng.dtechin

What is search engine

A search engine is such a great tool through which we get all kinds of data from the internet. Apart from this, web pages are able to perform many tasks related to surfing, online.

A search engine is a program through which we search unlimited questions of any kind from the internet. It runs through the internet.

Search engine. Searching the data you have searched from many sites on the Internet, shows the exact result.

Search engine history

If we look at the history of search engines, the first search engine in the world is "Archie". The browser that was launched in the year 1990 by mcgill University, Montreal, alan emtage, a student of computer science. Which was Canadian.

Public file transfer protocol (FTP) archives searching for content files and documents were indexed in this browser.

After this, many big search engines have been launched so far. Google which is one of the most famous and most visited search engines. Apart from this, there is a bing and yahoo search engine.

Google search engine is the world's most used search engine. Google search engine was launched in the year 1997.

Bing search engine which is the second most popular and used search engine in the world. This search engine was launched by Microsoft in the year 2009.

Search engine names

search engine name list
Types of the search engine, search engine types, search engine examples

By the way, there are many search engines in the world. But in the below, we have told you about the search engine, which is quite famous and more used by visitors.
Internet Archive

How the search engine works

How to works search engine
The search engine is very complicated. Which goes through many processes, from searching by the user to showing the results related to it.

According to your need, after searching by typing the keyword in the search box of the search engine, the search is done from the world wide web. And when the keyword searched from a site matches the content of the title and article, it shows it in the search result.

Different search engines also have different algorithms. For this reason, a post on your blog is at number 1 in a search engine. So it is not necessary that the other search engine will rank at number 1 only. Apart from this, all the posts of a blog have different rankings.

Searching the content searched by the user by the search engine completes 3 processes until the results show up. Which is as follows.
Ranking and retrieval


The first process to search the search engine upper web page is crawling. Displays machining content and pages from keywords searched on all sites available on the internet by automatic spider, bots, or crawler of all search engines.

The crawler of the search engine scans hundreds of website pages every second and collects information about the page's title, description, main keywords, images, videos, and other types of data other than links. This process is called crawling in technical language.


Indexing is that process. In which, after crawling the keyword searched in the search engine, it lists all the results of web pages and database by indexing many results that are matched to many websites.

Matching shows the result in the search list based on the quality of the post. That is, the search engine shows its content on top of which it likes best. Similarly, the process of showing results in descending order is called indexing.

Ranking and retrieval

The third and final process to show in the search result of the search engine is "ranking". Which is a very important step.

By processing the content we searched through the search engine's S process, such a relevant page is displayed in which we can get the exact answer to the content we searched.

The search engine has many algorithms for ranking and retrieval. The best results are shown by ranking well in the search results through this algorithm.

We hope you got something to learn from this article given by us. And you must have understood what a search engine is. If you like this information, then please share it on social sites.

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