
What is SSL, how does it work, where to buy it?

What is SSL, how does it work, where to buy it?

what is SSL certificate, what are secure websites 

In this post, you will know what is SSL? how does SSL reduce And where to buy SSL for your blog/website. Now all these questions have to be answered in detail.

When you have to fill your details for work like shopping, bill payment, ticket booking from any website online. And online transactions have to be done. So it is very important to pay attention to security.

When to sign up on a site, you have to fill your personal details such as your name, mobile number, email address, card details, etc. In such a situation it is very important to pay attention to safety.

Because it is very important to have SSL protocol on that site for a secure connection to the personal details that we share online on any site.
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what is ssl certificate, what is ssl, ssl certifacates explained, ssl full form, ssl certificate type, ssl security type, ssl type, ssl, eng.dtechin

What is SSL?

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SSL Full Form is a Secure Sockets Layer. Such security-related technology on the site was first created by NETSCAPE in the year 1990.

SSL is a security certificate. Which is called an SSL certificate? It is very important to add it to the security of any blog or website.

When you are visiting a site, you must have seen that the URL of a site is introduced by hypertext transfer protocol i.e. http or https. Which shows which website is secure.

The website is considered to be secure, the site whose site has https ie s instead of http. Or an SSL certificate protocol.

Nowadays all the online business people are using SSL Protocol in their blog or website. It is very important to use it in sites like e-commerce. So that customers can secure the online transaction they are doing.

How does SSL work?

Now you will know how the Secure Socket Layer works. Which we are going to tell further.

The SSL certificate uses two keys such as one public and the other private key. And both of these together make a secure connection. Public Key works as Information Encrypt and Private Key as Information Decrypt. Through which the data shared on the site remains secure.

When any information is put on a site, it gets encrypted and goes to the server, not in the normal letter. Any information that comes from the server is also encrypted. Because of which no data can be stolen between us and the server. And in this way, we are able to make a secure payment.

When the visitor visits the Secure website from the Secure Showcases layer. His browser then makes an encrypted connection with the website's server. Due to which no hacker can steal data.

Encryption technology such as SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the most important to visitors through which sensitive information such as credit card numbers or login details have to be given. In such a situation, the visitor will stay away from the site in which the service like SSL certificate is not taken for the security of the site.

SSL Benefits

There are many benefits to using an SSL certificate in any blog or website. Of which we are going to tell you about some of the fires.

  • The sitemap of the website is easily submitted by using SSL on the site.
  • Using SSL is a faithful site for visitors.
  • Using SSL for online transactions makes the site completely secure.
  • It is also considered good for ranking the site.

Types of SSL

SSL certificates explained, SSL certificate type, SSL security type, SSL types

There are many types of SSL. These also vary for different websites. Which we are going to tell about below.

Domain Validation: - Domain Validation is the perfect and cheapest SSL certificate for the SSL blog.

Wildcard SSL: - Secures domains and unlimited sub-domains only with a single certificate from such SSL.

Extended Validation: - Extended Validation displays a padlock from SSL with the business name in the URL.

Multi-domain SSL: - This type of SSL certificate provides service to secure multiple domain names.

Organization Validation: - This type of SSL Domain Validation provides better security than SSL.

Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL: - This type secures unlimited sub-domains with multiple domain names from SSL.

Unified Communications: - This SSL is designed to secure Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft Office Communication Server.

Where to buy SSL?

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Certificate Authority issues all these types of SSL certificates. Bali has many such websites providing SSL service. Where to buy online SSL Which has to pay some amount every year.

You can buy SSL from Goddady, BigRock, HostGator, or other sites like the domain name to install and install an SSL certificate for your website. Like a domain or hosting, all sites have their own different price. Which is paid and bought online?

If your site is on blogger then this service is available for free. The blogger itself provides the service of SSL for free. But if your site is on WordPress then you have to buy an SSL certificate.

We hope that with this information given by us, you must have got something to learn. And you must have understood what is SSL? Why SSL certificate is required for a blog or website. If you like this information, then please share this post on any social sites.

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